Psychotherapy High Wycombe

Psychotherapy High Wycombe - Last updated 07 February 2025

DSM Online - Diagnostic & Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders

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DSM Reference Home

mental disorder

Behavioral health care professionals call disorders, illnesses or diseases that have prominent emotional, behavioral, and psychological symptoms mental disorders. These include substance use disorders and disorders associated with physical changes or illnesses, many of which directly affect the brain. For most of these disorders, however, physical causes have not been demonstrated or are poorly understood, even though biological treatments (e.g. drugs) may be effective in treating them. They may be distinguished from and classified separately from the personality disorders, or the term may be used in such away as to include personality disorders.

Terms for specific mental disorders include those officially recognized by the APA as well as other more traditional terms. They are formally classified in the APA DSM IV-TR: DSM-IV-TR Diagnoses by Category

Traditional and DSM-IV-TR diagnoses:

The online Diagnostic & Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders lists most of the major psychological disorders and illnesses and lists the criteria that must be fulfilled in order for a diagnosis to be made. This resource is not a substitute for proper professional psychiatric diagnosis.

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Last Updated 07 February 2025 ()